Useful Links - Resources - GrSMU Library

Useful Links

Here you will find a list of useful links to various medical websites, universities of Belarus and neighboring countries, etc.

Links to various library websites

Links to medical universities in the CIS and neighboring countries

Links to medical resources

Links to medical institutions

Medical journals


Links to medical electronic encyclopedias, dictionaries, online translators

Medical journals

Annual Reviews – archive of scientific journals.

AHA Jornals
journals of the American Heart Association

Camdridge Core
full-text journal articles of Cambridge University Press.

Cell Press
A publishing house that holds a leading position in publishing research results and reviews in the field of biomedicine.

PubMedCentral - a free full-text archive of journals on biomedical and biological sciences journals of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals – the database contains full-text articles from various branches of science, including medicine, biology, and chemistry.

BioMed Central - the database contains peer-reviewed biomedical journals.

A resource on the OvidSP platform of Wolters Kluwer Health Corporation that provides a catalogue with open access to medical journals, most of which are indexed in leading bibliographic databases, including Science Citation Index, PubMed, EMBASE, CAB Abstracts, Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, and many others.

PLOS (Public Library of Science)
A non-profit publishing house that provides Internet access to the full texts of scientific articles of the peer-reviewed journals of the PLOS publishing house on medical and biological topics.

Free Medical Journals – the database contains medical journals.

Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research - medical journals, atlases, books, dictionaries.

ISPUB.COM - Internet Scientific Publications - an open access collection of peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals.

ICMJE | Journals

Electronic Journals Library - ZB MED
an open access library of e-journals.

Karger Open Access Journals
The academic publishing house "Karger" collection of medical journals.

Martindale's The "virtual" - Pharmacy, Pharmacology & Toxicology Journals

Updated: 09.02.2023 г.