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Attention and concentration play an important role in our daily life. But it is difficult for some children to be attentive, sit still or control their activity. These problems may be related to a disorder known as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This is the inability of the child to control and regulate their behavior, which results in motor activity, attention disorders and impulsivity. Due to the widespread and steady increase in the number of children with ADHD, the syndrome has become the subject of study by physicians, psychologists and educators around the world. Without posing a danger to life, ADHD is a serious threat to the correct formation of the child's personality. Such children are not able to maintain attention for a long time, it is difficult for them to study new material, organize the space around them, and to build any relationship. All this interferes with the child's studies and intellectual development.
If there used to be one or two such children in the past, now there are dozens of them. Many teachers evaluate such behavior as faults of upbringing. Over time, such children will not be able to find a place in society, they will be lonely, and may develop addictions and mental disorders.
In order to help such children cope with the situation, it is necessary to find the reasons for such behavior and direct all efforts to eliminate them.
We invite you to view the presentation "ADHD”.
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