For Whom the Bells of Khatyn Ring RSS

 2023-03-22   2763

«Fascists destroyed more than 9,200 villages in Belarus.
In 432 of them almost all residents were killed or burned,
and only a few escaped
(From World War II documents)

Khatyn... Peaceful and hard-working Belarusians, people in love with their native land lived there…

Today Khatyn has a mournful anniversary – 80 years since the tragedy. On the night of March 21-22, 1943, a squad of fascist punishers completely destroyed the village and killed its 149 residents, 75 of whom were children under the age of 16.

The bells are ringing sadly. The requiem can be heard over the bright birch groves and pine woods of the Logoi region, and over whole Belarus. It reminds us of the millions who were shot, hanged, tortured, burned alive, and of the people who never bent the knee to the enemy. The Khatyn bells tell us of all those who suffered and died. The memory of them is immortal as immortal the earth and the sun are.

Dear readers! In the hall of the main building of our University, the Library, together with the Department of Public Relations and Marketing of GrSMU, presents the exhibition "For Whom the Bells of Khatyn Ring", dedicated to the Khatyn tragedy. We invite you to attend it.

See the photo report

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