The Artistic Power of Nobel Prize Winning Writers’ WorksRSS

 2022-12-14   2037

The Nobel Prize in Literature is the most prestigious literature prize that is awarded annually by the Nobel Foundation. Every year on December 10, the most prominent scientists and writers come to Sweden to receive a deserved award and leave their mark in history.

Thomas Mann and Rudyard Kipling, John Galsworthy and William Faulkner, Winston Churchill and Ernest Hemingway, Albert Camus and John Steinbeck were awarded the Nobel Prize.

We appreciate Hemingway for his love of life and passion for adventure, and Rudyard Kipling for his childlike interest in life. John Galsworthy wrote a saga about three generations tracing the history of his time. John Steinbeck's humorous stories written in a simple language made the author popular with readers. We admire the details that only artists and people with rich life experience can notice.

Dear readers! The Fiction Department invites you to view the presentation “The Artistic Power of Nobel Prize Winning Writers’ Works”.

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