Dear users! Please note that GrSMU Library has extended access to the EBSCO databases through the virtual Reading Room of the National Library of Belarus.
Access is provided in the University network. For employees and students of GrSMU, remote access is also possible. For all questions, please contact the Information and Bibliographic Department (office 210), e-mail:
EBSCOhost is a multifunctional search platform that provides instant access to the world's scientific periodicals in electronic format in various languages (English, French, German, Spanish, etc.).
The EBSCO package contains full-text, peer-reviewed specialized materials on socio-humanitarian, economic, medical, technical topics, etc.
The list of information resources includes 12 databases:
- Academic Search Premier – a multidisciplinary database containing full texts of more than 4,600 journals.
It also Includes publications of GrSMU Journal since 2016.
- MEDLINE – an abstract and bibliographic database on medicine that includes more than 5,400 biomedical journals.
- HealthSource - Consumer Edition – database on health and healthcare issues with about 80 full-text journals.
- HealthSource: Nursing/Academic Edition – offers about 550 full-text scientific journals on medicine, alternative medicine, and pharmacology.
- GreenFILE – scientific and popular works on all aspects of human impact on the environment.
- ERIC (Education Resource Information Center) - full-text database on education that contains more than 1.5 million records.
- Business Source Premier – the industry's most popular business research database.
- Library, Information Science & Technology – the content covers librarianship, information management, and many other issues.
- MasterFILE Premier – a multidisciplinary database that contains full texts of reference books, archival documents, biographies of outstanding personalities and illustrative material corresponding to the subject of publications: photographs, reproductions, maps, flags, etc.
- Newspaper Source – contains full texts of more than 40 US and international newspapers, as well as selected full texts of 389 US regional newspapers.
- Regional Business News – contains full-text materials from regional business publishers in all major cities and rural areas of the United States.
- AHFS Consumer Medication Information - information on medicines for patients in English and Spanish. The content is updated monthly.
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