Test Access to the Interactive Anatomy Atlas Complete AnatomyRSS

 2021-11-15   4744

GrSMU employees and students now have test access to the Elsevier information resource – Complete Anatomy.

Complete Anatomy is a virtual 3D atlas of human anatomy.

Detailed models of the human skeleton, its muscular, arterial, lymphatic, nervous, respiratory and digestive systems are available. For each of the organs there is a brief description and additional illustrations. Each system can be shown separately or with partial overlay, with dimensional changes and in motion.

To work with the resource, you need to install the application, register and enter the access code in My Account section (it can be activated any time in November – the trial period is valid 30 days from the date of activation. It will not be possible to activate the code in December.).

Complete Anatomy Installation Guide.

The activation code can be obtained in the Library (Computer Room, office 210) or via email - info@grsmu.by with the email subject: "Complete Anatomy Access".

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