Dear users! Please note that GrSMU Library has extended access to the packages of electronic scientific and information databases published by Springer.
SpringerLink is one of the world's leading interactive databases of journals, book series, books, reference materials, and interactive archive collections, including those on technical and medical topics.
As part of the subscription, the full texts of the following collections of books are available:
- "Springer eBook Package english Biomedical & Life Sciences"
- "Springer eBook Package english Medicine"
Also available as part of the subscription are the medical journals "Springer Medicine Journals" and the search for medical articles.
Springerlink materials are available for download. Resources that are not included in the subscription are marked with "locks" . In order to display only the materials available for download, you need to remove the check mark in the line "Include Preview-Only content" at the top left.
Springerlink Quick Start Guide. Pdf
Remote access to the resource is possible. Read more here...
Springer Journal Suggester is free service that allows you to search for the most suitable journal for your publication from Springer Nature.
The video tutorials on the use of resources "Springer"
Access is available on the University network until March 1, 2022.
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