Dear users! GrSMU Library offers access to the Cochrane Library of John Wiley & Sons.
Cochrane is a community of evidence-based medical professionals, as well as patients and patient care volunteers from around the world. Specialists-experts conduct systematic reviews of clinical trials, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about the use of certain approaches in the treatment of certain diseases, about the use of medicines.
The Cochrane Library includes:
- * The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)
- • Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) — the world's largest database of clinical trials
- * Cochrane Clinical Answers – a clinical question, a short answer to it, and an opportunity to delve into the data of relevant clinical reviews
Detailed information about the library's databases.
Webinar "Working with the Cochrane Library"
Guide to connecting remote access.
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