Dear users!
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many reputable scientific publishers are opening access to their resources. We offer you a list of scientific and educational services that are currently open for free.
— World Health Organization. COVID-19
— The COVID-19 situation in Belarus (the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus)
— Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Cochrane resources and news
COVID-19: scientific resources of the world's leading publishers (list of resources on the website of the National Library of Belarus)
The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection. Research and Clinical Interviews. COVID-19
UpToDate. Clinical Effectiveness COVID-19
Remote access to the information resources of GrSMU Library.. Electronic versions of GrSMU printed publications, online access to scientific and information resources (e-books, conference materials, journal articles) of the world's leading publishers (as part of the University's subscription) through individual logins and passwords.
Wiley. Covid-19: Novel Coronavirus Outbreak
«Elsevier» has created an information center to combine the latest clinical studies of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV
— COVID-19 PREPRINTS (Russian portal of preprints on COVID-19)
— COVID-19. rf: information against the pandemic
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