GrSMU Library has extended access to the electronic resources of the largest academic publishing house in the UK — Oxford University Press. Access is provided to the following databases: Oxford Journals Medicine ( journals) and Oxford Medicine Online (books).
Oxford University Press enjoys a reputation in the international university and Library environment. Today, Oxford teaching and reference materials are used by teachers of the largest educational institutions. All publications are focused on international standards of education.
The Oxford Journals Medicine database contains 99 authoritative journals in various fields of medicine: oncology, cardiology, neurology, clinical medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, rheumatology, anesthesia, gerontology, public health, epidemiology, etc.
Access address:
The Oxford Medicine Online database (books) is a full - text collection of the best books of the Oxford Publishing House on medical topics, which contains over 1000 publications. The resource also contains more than 85 thousand photos, charts, graphs, and more than 2000 video materials. User's Guide. Pdf
Access address:
For employees and students of GrSMU, remote access is possible. For more information, please contact the Information and Bibliography Department (r. 210), e-mail:
Access is only available on the university network until February 5, 2022.
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