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за сентябрь 2018 г.


Medical and biological physics [Текст] : textbook for the students of higher medical establishments of the IV accreditation level : recommended by the Minustry of Health Care of Ukraine / Minustry of Health Care of Ukraine, O. O. Bogomolets National Medical University ; [A. V. Chalyi et al.] ; ed. by Alexander V. Chayli. - 3rd ed. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2017. - 476 p. : il. - Загл. на украинском языке :Медична та біологічна фізика. - Index of subjects: p. 471-473. - Index of names: p. 474-476. - ISBN 978-966-382-639-4

The book is aimed at elucidating the most important aspects of the medical and biological physics in accordance with the program asserted by the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine, and written for the students of higher medical institutions as well as for teachers, scientific researchers and all those readers interested in-modern problems of the medical and biological physics.


Phthisiology [Текст] : textbook : approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine as a national textbook for students of higher medical educational establishments / [V. I. Petrenko, O. K. Asmolov, M. G. Boyko et al.] ; ed. by V. I. Petrenko. - 2nd ed. - Kyiv : AUS Medicine Publishing, 2018. - 415 : il. - References: p. 407-415. - ISBN 978-617-505-687-5

Professional training of medical professionals of the general practicioners network is a very important task, since they are an important element in addressing the ТВ epidemic. Therefore there was a need for a national textbook of tuberculosis involving Ukrainian and foreign highly skilled professionals in this field, who have invaluable clinical, teaching and research experience. Textbook meets the requirements of the Bologna process. It provides information about the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis. Textbook expounds latest achievements of national and international scientists, WHO standardized protocols in compliance with consistency and volume of standard provision of specialized care for ТВ patients.
For students of higher medical educational establishments.


Pediatrics [Текст] : textbook for students of stomatological faculties of higher education establishments - medical universities, institutes and academies : approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine / [T. O. Kryuchko et al.] ; ed. by T. O. Kryuchko, O. Y. Abaturov. - 2nd ed., revised. - Kyiv : AUS Medicine Publishing, 2017. - 207 p., [1] s. il. - References: p. 206-207. . - ISBN 978-617-505-601-1

The national textbook was prepared in accordance with the academic program in pediatrics for pre-graduate training of specialists who major in dentistry. The given materials cover modern aspects of etiopathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment, and prophylaxis of the most common somatic and infectious childhood diseases as well as physiology and pathology of young children.
It is recommended for students of dentistry faculties with the English-language form of training of higher education establishments — medical universities, institutes and academies


Kovalyova, OlhaMykolaivna. Patient сare [Текст] : practical course : textbook : approved by the Minisrty of Education and Science of Ukraine as a textbook for students of higher education establishments - medical universities, institutes and academies : recommended by the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine / O. M. Kovalyova, V. M. Lisovyi, S. I. Shevchenko [et al.]. - 2nd ed., corrected. - Kyiv : AUS Medicine Publishing, 2018. - 319 p. : il. - ISBN 978-617-505-651-6

The textbook focuses on patient care, its role and organization in the treatment process.
The content of the book meets the requirements of the academic discipline "Patient Care (Practical Course)" and is aimed at English-speaking students of higher education establishments — medical univer-sities, institutes, and academies. The textbook consists of three parts corresponding to the following modu-les: internal medicine (Module 1), surgery (Module 2), and pediatrics (Module 3).
The textbook is recommended for students of higher education establishments — medical univer-sities, institutes, and academies.

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