Архив виртуальной выставки
за сентябрь 2018 г.


Mykhailychenko, Borys Valentynovich. Forensic medicine [Текст] : textbook : approved by the Minisrty of Education and Science of Ukraine as a textbook for students of higher education establishments - medical universities, institutes and academies : recommended by the Academic Board of O. O. Bohomolets National Medical University as a textbook for students of medical universities with English language training / B. V. Mykhailychenko, A. M. Biliakov, I. G. Savka. - Kyiv : AUS Medicine Publishing, 2017. - 223 p. : il. - ISBN 978-617-505-591-5

The textbook briefly highlights both the history of forensic medicine and orga-nization and arbitration principles of forensic medical examination. Forensic and medical thanatology issues as well as diagnostics of various environmental injuries and health conditions are scrutinized in view of current scientific advancements.
The data on lager radiation injuries and information on biological factor influence on the human body are introduced.
Peculiarities of examining the injured and accused parties and other persons are described according to the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Current possibilities of forensic medical examination of material evidence are considered.
Legal aspects of health care provision and legal responsibilities of physicians as health care providers for malpractice are provided according to the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
All the chapters end with a list of questions for self-control.
For students of higher medical education institutions, as well as for internship doctors and beginners at forensic medical expert examination.


Medical informatics [Текст] : textbook : recommended by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine as a textbook for students of higher medical education establishments / I. Ye. Bulakh, Yu. Ye. Liakh, V. P. Martseniuk, I. Yo. Khaimzon. - 4th ed. - Kyiv :AUS Medicine Publishing, 2018. - 367 p. : il. - References: p. 361-367. - ISBN 978-617-505-685-1

The textbook is based on the new version of the curriculum of the discipline Medical Informatics for the specialties Medical Care, Pediat¬rics, Medical and Preventative Care adjusted for the credit-module sy¬stem requirements. The textbook structure allows using it both in tra¬ditional and distance learning. Each chapter ends with a summary and self-control questions.
The textbook is intended for students of higher medical education establishments.


Clinical immunology &allergology [Текст] = Клінічна імунологія та алергологія : [textbook : approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine] / Bazhora Yu. I. [et al.]. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2017. - 264, [3] p. : il. - ISBN 978-966-382-657-8

In the textbook the basic themes on clinical immunology and allergology are presented in accordance with the standard Program approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Considering a clinical orientation of the Program, problems of diagnostics, features of pathogenesis and disease courses, etc. are stated generally in each chapter. To make it easier to master material, the textbook contains many illustrations, tests and control questions.
The textbook is intended for English-speaking students and lecturers of higher educational medical institutions of III—IV accreditation levels.


Principles of pediatric nursing. Techniques for medical procedures and manipulations [Текст] : study guide for students of higher medical education establishments of the 3rd-4th levels of accreditation : recommended by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. - Kyiv : AUS Medicine Publishing, 2016. - 143 p., [8] s. il. - References: p. 143. . - ISBN 978-617-505-468-0

The study guide provides material for second-/third-year students of high¬er medical education establishments of the 3rd—4,h levels of accreditation that will help students master the knowledge and skills of medium-level medical personnel. The subject matter of the guide corresponds to the curriculum of the medical faculties that train general practitioners, pediatricians, and family phy¬sicians. The material on practical skills is given in the form of detailed step-by- step description of manipulation and procedure techniques. At the end of every chapter you will find questions, tests, and cases intended to help students mas¬ter the theoretical material and practical skills, and also check the level of the acquired knowledge.
For students of higher medical education establishments, who study the curricujuijif module^ Child Carl (2nd year) and Nursing (3rd year).

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