Архив виртуальной выставки
за ноябрь 2017 г.


Medical physiology [Текст] / [edited by] Walter F. Boron, Emile L. Boulpaep. - 3rd ed. - Philadelphia (Pa) : Elsevier, cop. 2017. - xii, 1297 p. : il. - ISBN 978-1-4557-4377-3 (international edition). - ISBN 978-0-323-42796-8

For a comprehensive understanding of human physiology — from molecules to systems — turn to the latest edition of Medical Physiology. This updated textbook is known for its unparalleled depth of information, providing students with a solid foundation for a future in medicine and healthcare. Complex concepts are presented in a clear, concise, and logically organized format to further facilitate understanding and retention.


Gartner, Leslie P. Textbook of histology [Текст] / Leslie P. Gartner. - 4th ed. - Philadelphia (Pa) : Elsevier, cop. 2017. - xiii, 656 p. : il. - Index: 615-656. - ISBN 978-0-323-35563-6 (international edition). - ISBN 978-0-323-39613-4

Thoroughly updated to reflect all of the latest concepts and advances in the field, this concise, extensively illustrated text presents the basic science and clinical application of cellular and molecular biology. Functioning as a combined text and atlas, it is essentially two books for the price of one providing a comprehensive, visually engaging histology education from the ground up. Illustrations, tables, PowerPoint™ presentations, chapter summaries and multiple choice questions facilitate comprehension of concepts, and clinical correlations underscore the practical relevance of the material.

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