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за март 2017 г.


Generalov, I. I.

Instructions for laboratory training in general microbiology & immunology for students of medical faculty [Текст] : / [I. I. Generalov, A. V. Frolova, N. V. Zheleznyak] ; Ministry of Health Care [of] Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk State Medical University, Department of Clinical Microbiology. - Vitebsk : VSMU, 2016. - 38 p

Instructions for laboratory training in General Microbiology and Immunology for students of Medical Faculty were compiled according to basic educational plan and program, approved by Ministry of Health Care of Republic of Belarus. The plan, schedule of laboratory training and basic practical skills in general microbiology and immunology are presented in this workbook.

The instructions are prepared for medical students of higher educational establishments.


Generalov I. I.

Medical microbiology, virology & immunology [Текст] : lecture course for students of medical universities / I. I. Generalov ; Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, Higher Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State Medical University". - Vitebsk : VSMU, 2016 - . - Пер.загл. : Медицинская микробиология, вирусология и иммунология. Pt. 2 : Medical bacteriology & medical virology. - 2016. - 390 p. - ISBN 978-985-466-743-0

The Lecture Course on Medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology accumulates a broad scope of data covering the most of essential areas of medical microbiology. The textbook is composed according to the educational standard, plan and program, approved by Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. This edition encompasses all basic sections of the subject - General Microbiology, Medical Immunology, Medical Bacteriology and Virology. Part 2 of the Lecture Course comprises Medical Bacteriology and Medical Virology sections. The book is directed for students of General Medicine faculties and Dentistry faculties of higher educational establishments.


Generalov I. I.

Medical microbiology, virology & immunology [Текст] : lecture course for students of medical universities / I. I. Generalov ; Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, Higher Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State Medical University". - Vitebsk : VSMU, 2016 - . - Пер.загл. : Медицинская микробиология, вирусология и иммунология. Pt. 1 : General microbiology & medical immunology. - 2016. - 281 p. - ISBN 978-985-466-743-0

The Lecture Course on Medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology accumulates a broad scope of data covering the most essential areas of medical microbiology. The textbook is composed according to the educational standard, plan and program, approved by Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. This edition encompasses all basic sections of the subject - General Microbiology, Medical Immunology, Medical Bacteriology and Virology. Part 1 of the Lecture Course comprises General Microbiology and Medical Immunology sections. The book is directed for students of General Medicine faculties and Dentistry faculties of higher educational establishments.


Volkova, M. N.

Guideline on therapeutic dentistry for the 5th term [Текст] : educational and methodical edition for the third-year students of the stomatological faculty / M. N. Volkova, N. A. Sakharuk, N. A. Korenevskaya ; Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk State Medical University, Department of Therapeutic Dentistry. - Vitebsk : VSMU, 2016. - 247 p. : il. - ISBN 978-985-466-849-9

Educational and methodical edition «Guideline on therapeutic dentistry for the 5-th term» intended for the third-year students of the stomatological faculty. It is made up in according with the standard curriculum in therapeutic dentistry. The edition is designed for internal using.

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