Архив виртуальной выставки
за сентябрь 2018 г.


Otorhinolaryngology [Текст] : textbook : approved by the Minisrty of Education and Science of Ukraine as a textbook for students of higher education establishments - medical universities, institutes and academies : recommended by the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine / Y. Mitin, Y. Deyeva, Y. Comza [et al.] ; edi. by Y. Mitin, Y. Deyeva. - 5th ed. - Kyiv : AUS Medicine Publishing, 2018. - 262 p., [24] s. il. - ISBN 978-617-505-664-6

The textbook covers the key issues of ear, nose and throat diseases. Special attention is paid to the anatomy, physiology, pathology and treat¬ment of ENT diseases. The data of classical and modern scientific rese¬arch in different otorhinolaryngology branches are presented.
The fifth edition contains tests, new summarizing material and basic illustrations of the textbook. The textbook is intended for English-speaking students of higher education establishments — medical universities, institutes and acade¬mies.


Bases of dentistry [Текст] : textbook for students of higher medical education establishments with III-VIth levels of accreditation : recommended by the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine / [V. O. Malanchuk et al.] ; ed. by V. O. Malanchuk. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2018. - 609 p. : il. - Загл. на украинском языке :Основи стоматології . - References: p. 608-609. . - ISBN 978-966-382-419-2

In work of General Practitioner / Doctor of Family Medicine occur situations when it is necessary to get advice of a professional Dentist and set diagnosis and provide emer¬gency dental care immediately, particularly in such diseases as acute pulpitis, periodontitis, abscesses, phlegmon of maxillofacial area, and in cases of maxillofacial trauma.
The materia] presented in the textbook corresponds to the new Program "Basics of Dentistry" and "Educational-Qualification Characteristic of Specialist".
Diseases and their treatment presented in this textbook are described at the level sufficient not only for students but also for beginning General Practitioners / Doctors of Family Medicine.
The textbook is intended for students of Medical, Medical Care, Pediatric and Pharmaceutical Departments of higher medical institutions with IVth level of accreditation.


Альгерд Малішэўскі [Текст] = Альгерд Малишевский = Alherd Malisheuski : [альбом / аўт. тэксту і склад. Н. Л. Сяліцкая ; пер. на беларус. мову А. М. Коршак ; пер. на англ. мову А. В. Валасач]. - Мінск : Беларусь, 2017. - 87 с. : каляр. іл. - (Славутыя мастакі з Беларусі).


Раіса Кудрэвіч [Текст] : [альбом / аўт. тэксту і склад. В. І. Вайцахоўская ; пер. на англ. мову А. В. Валасач]. - Мінск : Беларусь, 2017. - 78, [1] с. : каляр. іл. - (Славутыя мастакі з Беларусі).

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