2019-08-23   2852

Dear students!

We would like to inform you that the library (Room 205) invites the students to collect their sets of books according to the following schedule:

August 28, 2019 − 2nd year students (Groups 4a – 13a).

August 29, 2019 – 2nd year students (Groups 14a – 22a).

August 30, 2019 – 3rd year students (all the groups).

September 2, 2019 – 2nd year students (Groups 4a – 13a).

September 3, 2019 – 2nd year students (Groups 14a – 22a).

September 4, 2019 – 3rd year students (all the groups).

September 5, 2019 – 2nd year students (Groups 4a – 13a).

September 6, 2019 – 2nd year students (Groups 14a – 22a), 3rd year students (all the groups).

The senior students (4th, 5th and 6th year) can collect their books for the first cycle on any day starting from August 26, 2019.

Important!The students, who still have their previous semester books, should bring them back to the library.

You are welcome!

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