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Архив виртуальной выставки
за июль - август 2016 г.



Schneider, Barry H.

Child psychopathology [Текст] : from infancy to adolescence / Barry H. Schneider with Paul Hastings, Amanda Guyer, Mara Brendgen, and Eli Cwinn. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2014. - XVIII, 650 p. : il. - Includes bibliographical references and index.

For students of child psychopathology, this textbook covers the classification, causes, treatment and prevention of psychological disorders in the infant through the adolescent years. •

Includes the most up-to-date research and diagnostic codes •

Covers the empirical and practical aspects of child psychopathology, from the classification and causes of disorders to methods of assessment, intervention and treatment •

Explores the social and historical context at the root of theories and models of psychopathology.



Murphy, Kenneth.

Janeway's immunobiology [Текст] / Kenneth Murphy, Casey Weaver ; with contributions by Allan Mowat, Leslie Berg, David Chaplin ; with acknowledgment to Charles A. Janeway Jr., Paul Travers, Mark Walport. - New York ; London : Garland Science, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016. - XX, 904 p. : il. - [Immunobiology] . - Includes bibliographical references and index.

Janeway's Immunobiology is a textbook for students studying immunology at the undergraduate, graduate, and medical school levels. As an introductory text, students will appreciate the book's clear writing and informative illustrations, while advanced students and working immunologists will appreciate its comprehensive scope and depth. Immunobiology presents immunology from a consistent point of view throughout—that of the host's interaction with an environment full of microbes and pathogens. The Ninth Edition has been thoroughly revised bringing the content up-to-date with significant developments in the field, especially on the topic of innate immunity, and improving the presentation of topics across chapters for better continuity.



Sadock, Benjamin James.

Kaplan & Sadock's synopsis of psychiatry [Текст] : behavioral sciences/clinical psychiatry / Benjamin James Sadock, Virginia Alcott Sadock, Pedro Ruiz. - 11th ed. - Philadelphia [etc.] : Wolters Kluwer : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015. - XVI, 1472 p. : il. + [4] sheet il. - [Synopsis of psychiatry] . - Includes bibliographical references and index. - 241.58 р.

The new and thoroughly updated 11th edition of Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry is a complete overview of the entire field of psychiatry for clinicians, residents, students, and all others who provide mental health care.

In this best-selling textbook in psychiatry for over 40 years, the reader will find a thorough discussion of both the behavioral sciences and clinical psychiatry. The 11 th edition integrates all the DSM-5 criteria and provides a detailed and comprehensive overview of treatment methods for every known mental disorder.

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