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Архив виртуальной выставки
за январь 2016 г.


Siegel, Daniel J.

The developing mind [Текст] : how relationships and the brain interact to shape who we are / Daniel J. Siegel. - 2nd ed. - New York ; London : The Guilford Press, 2015. - XIX, 506 p. - References: p. 429-494. - Index: p. 495-506.

THIS BESTSELLING BOOK PUT THE FIELD OF INTERPERSONAL NEUROBIOLOGY ON THE MAP FOR MANY tens of thousands of readers. Daniel J. Siegel goes beyond the nature and nurture divisions that traditionally have constrained much of our thinking about development, exploring the role of interpersonal experiences in forging key connections in the brain. He presents a groundbreaking integrative framework for understanding the emergence of the growing, feeling, communicating mind. Illuminating how and why interpersonal neurobiology matters, this book is essential reading for clinicians, educators, researchers, and students interested in promoting healthy development and resilience across the lifespan.


The Oxford handbook of psychoneuroimmunology [Текст] / ed. by Suzanne C. Segerstrom. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2012. - XX, 501 p. : il. - (Oxford library of psychology / ed. in chief Peter E. Nathan). - Includes bibliographical references and index.


Neurobiology of mental illness [Текст] / ed. by Dennis S. Charney [et al.]. - 4th ed. - New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. - XX, 1222 p., [16] p. il. - Includes bibliographical references and index.

Our understanding of the neurobiological basis of psychiatric disease has accelerated in the past five years. The fourth edition of Neurobiology of Mental Illness has been inspired by new tools and methodologies, updated diagnostic classifications, and emerging therapeutics coming to the fore. The growing knowledge of all major psychiatric syndromes-their etiology, pathophysiology and treatment-is once again synthesized across different levels of analysis including aspects pertaining to their molecular biology, genetics, epigenetics, cellular physiology, neuroanatomy, neuropharmacology, and behavior. No other book distills the basic science and underpinnings of mental disorders and explains the clinical significance to the scope and breadth of this classic text. Psychiatry residents, psychiatric researchers, and doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows in the neurosciences will value this completely updated overview of the field.


Bioanalytical chemistry [Текст] / Andreas Manz [et al.]. - 2nd ed. - London : Imperial Gollege Press, 2015. - XX, 236 p. : il. - Includes bibliographical references and index.

Interdisciplinary knowledge is becoming increasingly important to the modern scientist. This invaluable textbook covers bioanalytical chemistry (mainly the analysis of proteins and DNA) and explains everything for the non-biologist. Electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, biosensors, bioassays, DNA and protein sequencing are not necessarily all included in conventional analytical chemistry textbooks. The book describes the basic principles and the applications of instrumental and molecular methods. It is particularly useful to chemistry and engineering students who already have some basic knowledge about analytical chemistry. This revised second edition contains a new chapter on optical spectroscopy, and updated methods and new references throughout.

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