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Архив виртуальной выставки
за декабрь 2014 г.


Hidranovich, L. G.

Laboratory classes in bioorganic chemistry [Текст] : [manual] for foreign students of the 1st year / L. G. Hidranovich, O. A. Khodos ; Ministry of Health of Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk State Medical University. - 2nd ed. = 2-е изд. - Vitebsk : VSMU, 2013. - 127 p. - Literature: p. 127.

This issue contains program questions, problems, laboratory works for the classes in bioorganic chemistry, examination questions, tests, reference tables. The issue was wrote according to the typical educational program for the students of higher medical educational establishments.


Gorodetskaya, I. V.

Cardiovascular physiology : physiology working-book [Текст] : recommended by Educational and Methodical Association of the Republic of Belarus on continuous education in the specialty of medical education 1-79 01 01 "Medical business" as an educational and methodical manual for the students of higher educational establishments / I. V. Gorodetskaya, O. P. Kuzhel ; Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk State Medical University, The Chair of Normal Physiology. - Vitebsk : VSMU, 2013. - 201 p. - Загл. обл. : Physiology working-book. Cardiovascular physiology

Educational and methodical manual «Physiology working-book. Cardiovascular physiology» is intended for the second-year students of the medical faculty. It is made up in accordance with the standard curriculum in normal physiology. The edition is designed for internal using.


Гриб, Антон Константинович.

Общая патологическая анатомия [Текст] : пособие для студ. фак. иностр. учащихся с англ. яз. обучения = General patological anatomy : manual for the Medical Faculty for International Students with English medium of instruction / А. К. Гриб, А. В. Шульга ; М-во здравоохранения Респ. Беларусь, УО "Гродн. гос. мед. ун-т", Каф. патологической анатомии. - Гродно : ГрГМУ, 2014. - 353 с. : рис., табл. - Библиогр.: с. 351-353.

В пособии изложены современные данные об общей патологической анатомии.

Данное пособие предназначено для студентов факультета иностранных учащихся с английским языком преподавания.


Abdominal ultrasound for surgeons [Текст] / ed.: Ellen J. Hagopian, Junji Machi. - New York ; Heidelberg ; Dordrecht : Springer, 2014. - XI, 311 p. : il. - Index.: p. 305-311

Abdominal Ultrasound for Surgeons provides a comprehensive guide to the use of ultrasonography in surgical practice of abdominal diseases. The content is divided into three major sections focusing on basic principles of ultrasound, ultrasound anatomy and pathology of the abdomen, and employment of ultrasound of the abdomen in surgical practice. A final section is dedicated to the logistics of incorporating ultrasound into a surgical practice.

Abdominal Ultrasound for Surgeons will serve as a very useful resource and guide for surgeons and students with little to some experience in ultrasound, including practicing surgeons, surgical fellows, and surgical residents.

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