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Архив виртуальной выставки
за январь 2014 г.


Wade, L. G.

Organic Chemistry [Текст] : L. G. Wade, Jr. – 3rd ed. – New Jersey : Upper Saddle River, 1995. – XXIX, S8, 118 p.

This book, meant for an introductory undergraduate course on Organic Chemistry uses a functional group based content organization to explain the fundamental aspects of the subject. Highly illustrative and graphics enriched explanation of concepts is a hallmark of this text.
- Content is organized according to functional groups.
- Emphasis on mechanisms - encourages students to see similarities in mechanisms among different functional groups.
- Reaction mechanisms are accompanied by potential energy diagrams.

New sections on:
- SN2 Reactions of Allylic Halides
- Allylic Anions
- SN1 Reactions of Benzylic Halides

Chapter on IR spectroscopy has been completely rewritten.

Discussion of mutarotation revised to include the now-generally accepted molecular orbital explanation for the anomeric effect.


Kar, Ashutosh.

Medicinal Chemistry [Текст] : Ashutosh Kar. – 5th ed., reversed & expanded. – New Delhi : New Age International (P), cop. 2010. – XXVI, 1013 p. : il.

This extremely successful textbook emphasizes the fundamentals of medicinal chemistry with specific reference to drug design, drug synthesis, and drug action from a pharmaceutical organic chemical perspective. Thus, it really enables the reader to extend knowledge beyond what is known with regard to several known classes of drug molecules. Particular care has been taken to preserve the organization, presentation and rhythm of the fourth edition.

Medicinal Chemistry in its Fifth Revised and Expanded Edition presents Text:
- A Medicinal Chemist's perspective in knowing the skill how drugs are designed - synthesized to muster a definite better understanding of drug chemistry.
- Includes thorough revision of chemical structures - emphasizing keywords, latest references, Selected Bibliography and Footnotes.
- Incorporates generic names, trade names, official status, uses, doses, and mechanism of action.
- Written in a lucid, informal, simple style in order that the undergraduates/postgraduates may easily grasp the basic ideas and concepts presented.
- Two new Chapters viz. Pro-Drug Approach in Drug Design and Drug Discovery via Enzyme Inhibition have been included.


Biology [Текст] : Jonathan B. Losos, Kenneth A. Mason, Susan R. Singer based on the work of Peter H. Raven, George B. Johnson. – 8th ed. – New York [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 2008. – XXX, 1259,1-52 p. : il.


Sembulingam, K.

Essentials of Medical Physiology [Текст] / K. Sembulingam, Prema Sembulingam. – 5th ed. – New Delhi : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) LTD, 2010. – XXI, 1025 p. : il.

- Thoroughly revised and updated text
- Beautifully illustrated with nice color combinations which are very soothing to the eyes and enhance readability
- Provides in-depth knowledge on the basic principles of physiology with applied aspects of clinical physiology
- Includes recent developments in physiology as per latest medical curricula
- Matter covered in each chapter given in the beginning for a quick glance of its contents
- Schematic form of figures enables students to understand and reproduce them easily
- Probable questions in each section help the students to prepare for examination
- A real state-of-the-art book with around 600 color diagrams
- Useful textbook for students of Medicine, Dental and Allied Health Sciences.

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