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Архив виртуальной выставки
за сентябрь 2011 г.


Atlas of Cardiovascular Pathology for the Clinician [Text] / editor-in-chif Bruce M. McManus ; series editor Eugene Braunwald. - 2th. ed. -New York : Springer, 2008. - 328 p.

The Atlas of Cardiovascular Pathology for the Clinician, Second Edition, presents recent and remarkable advances in the field of cardiovascular pathology in a striking, four-color visual format for health care professionals wishing to stay informed of the latest concepts, discoveries, techniques, and treatment options in order to effectively care for their patients. Hundreds of full-color images, covering every aspect of cardiovascular pathology, are summarized in concise text that fully explains difficult structural and functional features and medical procedures. The Atlas provides an essential understanding of ischemia, coronary anomalies, infectious and inflammatory heart muscle diseases, the pathology of arrhythmias, cardiac prostheses, and diseases of the aorta. In addition, new chapters on the fundamentals of cardiac development, genetic cardiomyopathies, the pathology of angioplasty and stenting, and the pathology of cardiac assist devices have been added. With graphics, gross and microscopic pathologic images, algorithms, and information on the latest clinical developments, the Atlas of Cardiovascular Pathology for the Clinician, Second Edition, is an unsurpassed reference you will turn to time and again.


Atlas of Echocardiography [Text] / editor-in-chief Scott D. Solomon ; series editor Eugene Braunwald. - 2th. ed.. -New York : Springer, 2008. - 368 p. + 1 эл. опт. диск (CD-ROM).

The second edition of the Atlas of Echocardiography is a complete reference for cardiology professionals who rely on echocardiographic imaging techniques. The Atlas represents the collective effort of over 30 leading authorities in the field of cardiology working together to compile the most up-to-date and pertinent information in the field of echocardiography. All areas of echocardiography are covered, from diagnostic basics to cutting edge techniques, such as three-dimensional imaging, contrast imaging, and tissue Doppler imaging. Each figure is accompanied by an informative legend that fully explains the image and its importance. This striking, four color atlas serves as both a resource and a reference and is an invaluable tool to all readers, including cardiologists, non-cardiologist physicians, and sonographers.


Stephens, Frederick O.

Basics of Oncology [Text] / Frederick O. Stephens, Karl R. Aigner. -Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2009. - 375 p.

Basics of Oncology provides an easily understood and general overview of the basic medical, scientific and clinical aspects of cancer. Causes, pathology, clinical features, diagnostic investigations, treatments and outcomes are all carefully explained and discussed, both for cancers in general and for the common cancers in individual countries. The reader will thereby be provided with an understanding of how and why people develop cancer, how the body reacts to cancer, what can be done to prevent the disease, and how the various cancers are best diagnosed and treated. The book will serve as a sound basis for the more detailed or specific studies that may be needed in different areas of practice and in different countries. It will be invaluable for students of medicine, nurse oncologists, students of medical sciences and other health professionals in all parts of the world.


Grizzard, John D.

Cardiovascular MRI in Practice [Text] : A Teaching File Approach / John D. Grizzard, Robert M. Judd, Raymond J. Kim. -London : Springer, 2008. - 299 p + 1 эл. опт. диск (DVD-ROM).

In the early 20th century, plain film radiography probably evoked the same sense of wonder that we now associate with cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). Extensive technical developments and a growth of studies in the literature have increased demand for CMR, but the availability of competing tests and the lack of training opportunities have been limiting. The complexity of CMR examinations and the lack of standardization in protocols between centers likely also hinder its widespread adoption.

Cardiovascular MRI in Practice has been written to tackle these issues. This digital video and text resource outlines the systematic approach to CMR interpretation. The depiction of a "core exam" and the modifications used for a variety of patient circumstances are demonstrated using simple visual assessment of the images. Special emphasis on the advantages of CMR relative to other modalities reinforces practical learning objectives, organized so that the reader starts with patient images—as one would in a clinical scenario—and works back to the didactic material.

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