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“Keep this book handy. It could be a life-saver”

 2020-03-31   3083

Dear library readers!

We can’t doubt that reality keeps proving that simple actions save lives. It primarily concerns our health and medical care. That is why it is so important to know what to do in a first aid emergency.

If you browse in our library, you can find one best-selling first aid manual. It can help you learn the simple skills and give you the knowledge to deal with life’s little and big emergencies.

First Aid Manual is endorsed by the biggest first aid organisations in the UK. This manual is used for training courses, any workplace and at home to make sure you always know what to do in any situation. The book provides step-by-step guidelines and covers the treatment of over 100 conditions from splinters, sprained ankles and burns to strokes and how to use a defibrillator.

The Department of foreign literature invites you to see the virtual exhibition named “Keep this book handy. It could be a life-saver”.

Have a pleasant viewing experience!

See other virtual thematic exhibitions here.

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