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 2018-05-23   4376

Dear teachers and students! The Department of foreign literature invites you to see the virtual exhibition named “HELPFUL BOOKS FROM SPRINGER FOR YOUR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH”.

Springer is a leading global scientific, technical and medical portfolio, providing researchers in academiaand scientific institutions with quality content through innovative information, products and services.Springer has one of the strongest eBook collections and archives, as well as a comprehensive range of hybrid and open access journals.

On 10 May 1842 (his 25th birthday), Julius Springer founded his bookstore and publishing house in Berlin, laying the foundation for today’s company. After 176 dynamic years the name Springer stands for a globally active publisher dedicated to the advancement of science, putting its authors and editors at the heart of the company’s publishing activities.

Some key points about Springer are the following:
• Close to 200,000 Books available in print and online
• Thousands of new reference works, monographs, briefs, proceedings, textbooks, and eBook Series titles every year

In today’s digital age, libraries and researchers are constantly adapting to new and innovative ways to conduct research quickly and effectively. Springer’s database and software solutions are created with these factors in mind so libraries can provide user-friendly solutions and researchers get the information they need quickly and easily.

SpringerLink is Springer’s comprehensive online delivery platform, providing easy access to millions of STM resources).SpringerLink is one of the world's leading interactive databases of high-quality magazines, book series, books, reference materials and interactive archive collections. The database contains documents on scientific, technical and medical topics.

Our library provides some Springerlink materials that are available for download.As part of the subscription, the full texts of the books of the following collections are available:
- "Springer eBook Package English Biomedical & Life Sciences"
- "Springer eBook Package English Medicine"

Also within the subscription, you can get the access to "Springer Medicine Journals" and search by medical articles.

You are welcome!

See other virtual thematic exhibitions here

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Республика Беларусь,
г. Гродно, ул. Горького, 80

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+375 152 446802


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Пн - Пт: 9.00 - 17.00


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